I just read this in "Operating System Concepts" from Silberschatz, p. 18:
A bit, called the mode bit, is added to the hardware of the computer to indicate the current mode: kernel(0) or user(1). With the mode bit, we are able to distinguish between a task that is executed on behalf of the operating system and one that is executed on behalf of the user.
Where is the mode bit stored?
(Is it a register in the CPU? Can you read the mode bit? As far as I understand it, the CPU has to be able to read the mode bit. How does it know which program gets mode bit 0? Do programs with a special adress get mode bit 0? Who does set the mode bit / how is it set?)
Please note that your question depends highly on the CPU itselt; though it's uncommon you might come across certain processors where this concept of user-level/kernel-level does not even exist.
The cs register has another important function: it includes a 2-bit field that specifies the Current Privilege Level (CPL) of the CPU. The value 0 denotes the highest privilege level, while the value 3 denotes the lowest one. Linux uses only levels 0 and 3, which are respectively called Kernel Mode and User Mode.
(Taken from "Understanding the Linux Kernel 3e", section 2.2.1)
Also note, this depends on the CPU as you can clearly see and it'll change from one to another but the concept, generally, holds.
The shell will continue to execute all of its instructions in this context, if the process contains some privileged instruction, the cpu will fetch it and won't execute it; it'll give an exception(hardware exception) that tells the kernel someone tried to execute a privileged instruction and here the kernel code handles the job(CPU sets the cs to kernel mode and jumps to some known-location to handle this type of errors(maybe terminating the process, maybe something else).
So how can a process do something privileged? Talking to a certain device for instance? Here comes the System Calls; the kernel will do this job for you.
What happens is the following:
You set what you want in a certain place(For instance you set that you want to access a file, the file location is x, you are accessing for reading etc) in some registers(the kernel documentation will let you know about this) and then(on x86) you will call int0x80
This interrupts the CPU, stops your work, sets the mode to kernel mode, jumps the IP register to some known-location that has the code which serves file-IO requests and moves from there.
Once your data is ready, the kernel will set this data in a place you can access(memory location, register; it depends on the CPU/Kernel/what you requested), sets the cs flag to user-mode and jumps back to your instruction next to the it int 0x80
Finally, this happens whenever a switch happens, the kernel gets notified something happened so the CPU terminates your current instruction, changes the CPU status and jumps to where the code that handles this thing; the process explained above, roughly speaking, applies to how a switch between kernel mode and user-mode happens.