Top "Openxml-sdk" questions

The Open XML SDK for Microsoft Office is built on top of the System.

How To make some text bold in cell using OpenXml

i have try to make bold the specific text using Bold fbld = new Bold(); but it will make bold hall …

c# openxml-sdk
How to replace an Paragraph's text using OpenXML Sdk

I am parsing some Openxml word documents using the .Net OpenXml SDK 2.0. I need to replace certain sentences with other …

c# .net openxml openxml-sdk
Download an excel file and read content with azure functions

I am trying to write a C# Azure Function to download and open an excel file using the OpenXml-SDK. Office …

azure azure-functions openxml-sdk azure-storage-files
Excel add data to WorksheetPart in code behind

Hello guys I am creating an Excel file with 3 worksheets in the following code. using (SpreadsheetDocument spreadSheet = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(path + @"\…

c# .net excel openxml openxml-sdk
OpenXml SpreadsheetDocument.Open(...) get exception - The main part is missing

I have an xlsx doc with headers and it is located in my project path. I want to insert data …

c# .net excel xls openxml-sdk
Replacing Content Controls in OpenXML

I need something as a placeholder. I at first looked to Content Control as a solution but I'm having some …

c# ms-word openxml openxml-sdk word-contentcontrol
OpenXML Add paragraph style (Heading1,Heading2, Head 3 Etc) to a word processing document

Can anybody guide me how to add predefined styles on paragraph using open XML Word Processing? I have tried various …

c# openxml-sdk word-automation
Replacing in inner Text in open xml element?

I'm using open xml SDK 2.0 and i'm kind off new to this. I have actually created a quickpart (containg content …

controls openxml openxml-sdk innertext
Link to Microsoft Open XML SDK tutorials

Anyone know any link to a good Microsoft Open XML tutorials?

openxml openxml-sdk
Can I set auto-width on an Open XML SDK-generated spreadsheet without calculating the individual widths?

I'm working on creating an Excel file from a large set of data by using the Open XML SDK. I've …

c# excel openxml-sdk column-width