How to do debug in OpenERP v7?
In previous versions of OpenERP, it was easy to debug. But in the latest version it's tough to debug.
To debug your OpenERP+python code in eclipse, start eclipse (helios/indigo only) in debug perspective and follow the given steps:
1: Stop your openERP running server by pressing "ctr+c".
2: In eclipse go to Menu "Run/Debug Configurations". In configuration window under "Python Run", create new debug configuration(Double click on 'Python Run').
3: After creating new debug configuration follow the given steps:
3.1: In "Main" tab under "Project", select the "server" project or folder (in which Openerp Server resides) from your workspace.
3.2: Write location of 'openerp-server' under "Main Module".
Ex: ${workspace_loc:server/openerp-server}.
3.3: In "Arguments" tab under "Program Arguments", click on button "Variables" and new window will appear.
3.4: Then create new "Variable" by clicking on "Edit Variables" button and new window will appear.
3.5: Press on "New" button and give your addons path as value.
Ex: --addons ../addons,../your_module_path
3.6: Press Ok in all the opened windows and then "Apply".
4: Now into "PyDev Package Explorer" view go to 6.1/server and right click on "openerp-server" file, Select 'Debug As --> Python Run'.
5: Now in "Console" you can see your server has been started.
6: Now open your .py file which you want to debug and set a break-point.
7: Now start your module's form from 'gtk' or 'web-client' and execution will stop when execution will reach to break-point.
8: Now enjoy by debugging your code by pressing "F5, F6, F7" and you can see value of your variables.
You can refer following link: Debug OpenERP Code from Eclipse