I want to calculate the mean of the sequence of frames by adding them and then divide by the total number of frames. The problem is that i can't access the pixels in the image. I used this code.
for(i = 1; i <= N; i++){
image = imread(fileName.c_str(),0);
Mat Mean = Mat::zeros(width, height,image.type());
for(w = 0; w < image.rows ; w++)
for(h = 0; h < image.cols ; h++)
Mean.row(w).col(h) += (image.at<unsigned float>(w,h) / N);
I'm always having an Assertion Failed error. I also tried:
but in vain.
Here is the working code...but i can't display the final result because it's float.
Mat Mean = Mat::zeros(width, height,CV_32F);
for(i = 1; i <= framesToLearn ; i++){
image = imread(fileName.c_str(),0);
accumulate(image, Mean);
Mean = Mean /framesToLearn;
Maybe try using a different approach: cv::accumulate
cv::Mat avgImg;
avgImg.create(width, height,CV_32FC3);
for(i = 1; i <= N; i++){
image = imread(fileName.c_str(),0);
cv::accumulate(image, avgImg);
avgImg = avgImg / N;
Notice that if you need to show the result image you will have to convert it to CV_8U
or to normalize it, for example:
Mat Mean = Mat::zeros(width, height,CV_32F);
for(i = 1; i <= framesToLearn ; i++){
image = imread(fileName.c_str(),0);
accumulate(image, Mean);
Mean = Mean /framesToLearn;