Haar Cascade vs Hog Detection

user2039318 picture user2039318 · Mar 31, 2013 · Viewed 13.5k times · Source

I have been working around with OpenCV for few days now and I have a project where I should detect cars and humans from the sky.

So here are my inputs:

  • A moving camera in the sky (embedded on a quadcopter) which is gonna capture frames.
  • A set of objects I should detect (humans and cars)

And here are my output:

  • A detection of those objects outlined by a rectangle or some contours

Based on that, my question is as follows: Which one between Haar Cascade and Hog Detection would you recommend to do so and why? Or any else?

Many thanks for your answers


David Daniel picture David Daniel · Jul 9, 2013

HOG is usually better for human detection, than Haar. I have only experience in this so I thought I'd give some input on that. However, the limitation of HOG is that the human must be within a "perfect" area on the screen. Too close, it won't detect the human. Too far, it won't detect the human.

I have had better luck with HOG than Haar. Haar gave me too many false positives.