I'm writing a Python program using OpenCV, but I cannot capture images from v4l2 cameras.
I tried with both a PS2 EyeToy and Droidcam (Android virtual webcam), which are both using v4l2, and none of them work: cv.CaptureFromCAM(0) only returns None.
I can use both webcams in other programs (tried VLC and Kamerka).
I guess that OpenCV supports v4l only, not v4l2.
How can I solve this problem? Does a v4l2->v4l converter exist?
EDIT: I read that cv.CaptureFromFile uses ffmpeg to decode video files. Is it possible to manually specify a format, so I can use ffmpeg's video4linux2
For OpenCV 3.2.0, including the following in the cmake options worked for me
from https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues/7974
I'm less sure if this one had an affect, but from VideoCapture Does Not Work in Anaconda
Including all 3 in my cmake options seemed to be what finally made mine work