I'm looking for these open source tools possibly free or with free trial version to set up complete data warehouse stack.
I know about few like Pentaho open source Mondrian server, but couldn't get any google result to setup complete platform. I'm not sure whether these components are compatible with each other? Could someone please list them along with their position in the chain?
The Open Source Data Warehousing does a great job at identifying OSS components that could be used to build a Data Warehouse stack: Infrastructure (servers, OS, databases), Integration Management (ETL, EAI, etc), Information Management (DW/Mart/ODS, OLap Servers, etc), Information Delivery (Portal, Dashboard, Analytics/OLAP Client, etc). Here is a summary:
Open Source BI/DW Projects
BI and Analytics
- BEE - http://bee.insightstrategy.cz/en/index.html
- BIRT - http://www.eclipse.org/birt
- JasperSoft – http://www.jaspersoft.com
- MarvelIT - http://www.marvelit.com/dash.html
- OpenI – http://openi.sourceforge.net
- OpenReports – http://oreports.com
- Orange - http://www.ailab.si/orange
- Palo – http://www.palo.net
- Pentaho - http://www.pentaho.com
- R - http://www.r-project.org
- SpagoBI – http://spagobi.eng.it
- Weka - http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~ml/index.html
- VitalSigns - http://vitalsigns.sourceforge.net/
- http://greenplum.org (bizgres)
- http://www.ingres.com
- http://www.mysql.com
- http://www.postgresql.org
- http://www.enterprisedb.com
- Apatar - http://www.apatar.com
- CloverETL - http://cloveretl.berlios.de/
- JitterBit - http://www.jitterbit.com/
- KETL - http://www.ketl.org
- Octopus - http://www.enhydra.org/tech/octopus/index.html
- OSDQ - http://sourceforge.net/projects/dataquality
- Pentaho - http://www.pentaho.com
- Red Hat – http://www.redhat.com
- Saga.M31 Galaxy - http://galaxy.sagadc.com
- Talend - http://www.talend.com
- SnapLogic – http://www.snaplogic.com
I recommend browsing the presentation. Good stuff.