Top "Opcache" questions

OPcache is a PHP opcode cache introduced in PHP 5.5 (and is also available as a PECL extension for PHP 5.2+). It is based on the Zend Optimizer+

Windows, XAMPP, PHP 7 and opcache

I've installed latest XAMPP server with PHP 7 (update: checked also PHP 7.1) (on my Windows 10 system). Wanted to use opcache, so …

php apache xampp php-7 opcache
Enabling PHP7 Opcache

I recently upgraded to PHP 7. I placed this in /etc/php.d/opcache.ini opcache.file_cache = /var/www/html/.…

php wordpress centos opcache
Can not install php 5.5 opcache on Centos 6.4

I have php 5.5 installed on CentOS (from Remi repo, as far as I remember). Now I wanted to turn on …

php yum centos6 opcache
Do I need memcached with Opcache ?

I don't know anything about caching other than having read that people use APC/Opcache/Memcache/Memchached/Varnish ... to makes …

php wordpress memcached opcache php-5.5
Enabling Opcache Not Working

I am trying to enable Opcache, but for some reason, after editing my php.ini file and restarting apache (even …

php opcache
PHPDocumentor 2 and PHP 7 with opcache issues in Doctrine

Hopefully someone here knows a thing or 2 about this. Short Question I am running into an error using phpdoc on …

php phpdoc php-7 opcache phpdocumentor2
Opcache - Clean cache in PHP5.4 and lower

Is there a way to clean/reset the cached files using Opcache with PHP5.4 or lower? Here is the opcache_…

php php-5.4 zend-optimizer opcache
What is userland caching APCu extension in PHP?

Just a question related to OPcache cause I didn't understand it and find an answer on Google: When we talk …

php opcache
Blacklist a directory with Zend Opcache

How can i tell Zend Opcache not to cache any files from a specific directory. For e.g /var/www/…

php zend-framework opcache
Turn off Caching in MAMP

Trying to turn off caching in MAMP for development, waiting for cache to expire after making small changes is killing …

php caching mamp opcache