Object Oriented Analysis and Design - use this tag for questions related to Object Oriented programming.
I'm working on a project for a grad class and still having trouble wrapping my head around them. What is …
uml modeling ooadI'm beginning to study OOAD and I'm having difficulty finding a C++ code example that'd illustrate how Association, Aggregation and …
c++ oop associations aggregation ooadWhat is the difference between composition and aggregation? can anybody give me a sample of this OOAD?
java ooadI have read in many places that "getters and setters are evil". And I understood why so. But I don't …
oop design-patterns properties ooad accessorI am on the quest to be a good OO-developer. OO intrigues me, because I understand the patterns, know why …
oop architecture ooadThese two terms are very diffused. How exactly do they differ? Is there any real life example or scenario that …
architecture ooadStudying about Generalization and inheritance making me confuse, both gives the same meaning as if something is being inherited..but …
object-oriented-analysis ooadHow do I make an abstract class that shall force each derived classes to be Singleton ? I use C#.
c# oop ooadI have been puzzled by this for a while now. My question is, how does object-oriented programming and database management …
database class ooad