I need a message script that will only come up when people are leaving the current webpage and not the …
javascript message onunloadI am writing an application in GWT and I need to detect when a user navigates away from my application …
javascript gwt logout onunloadI need to prompt the user before he leaves the page, on confirmation close the tab and if not do …
javascript jquery html onbeforeunload onunloadHow can the iframe's unload event be triggered when removing it? Using the code below, when removeChild(iframe) is called, …
iframe triggers removechild onunloadI have a form and I must notice user with alert() on exiting page while there are data in the …
javascript forms cross-browser opera onunloadI want to fire onunload event to do some clean up operations, I have multiple tabs(Navbar) showing multiple links …
javascript onunloadJavascript - document.location or window.location or window.location.href or location.href does not work in Google Chrome 6 …
google-chrome window.location onunload window.onunloadI want to notify the server on user closes browser window. I tried all of the $(window).bind("beforeunload", function() { $.…
javascript jquery notifications onbeforeunload onunloadI have a situation where on page unload I am firing a request to delete the draft of a user's …
javascript jquery ajax refresh onunload