Top "Ontouchlistener" questions

Android interface to define a callback to be invoked when a view is touched.

Android swipe left and right in RelativeLayout

I am trying to implement swipe left or right in my RelativeLayout. I wrote some code but could not get …

android swipe ontouchlistener android-relativelayout
Android passing touch event to WebView's inner content

I have a webview that I'm setting an onTouchListener on in order to capture swipe events on the actual view. …

android webview ontouchlistener webviewclient
onTouchListener for entire screen

I have a screen filled with buttons, but want the onTouch-method to use the entire screen's coordinates. I first tried …

android view coordinates ontouchlistener
How to hide and show password on button click in android?

When button pressed want to visible the password otherwise it should be hidden or say dotted. I have Applied the …

android button ontouchlistener ontouch
MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN in Android is too sensitive. This event is received even if the screen is simply touched for a moment

I have a layout(A table layout). Whenever the user performs a "down" gesture, a specific function needs to be …

android gesture ontouchlistener
Android OnTouch MotionEvent Actions

So I think I have a very simple issue but I can't seem to figure it out. I have an …

java android android-studio onclicklistener ontouchlistener
setOnTouchListener is not working for android Fragment

I am using TabView and in Tab ,I am using Fragment to load each tab.Now I want to get …

android android-fragments fragment ontouchlistener tabview
How to set ontouch listener for something drawn using canvas: Android

I have a custom view in which i am drawing one big circle and a small circle on the edge …

android android-canvas ontouchlistener
Using BottomSheetBehavior with a inner CoordinatorLayout

The design support library v. 23.2 introduced BottomSheetBehavior, which allows childs of a coordinator to act as bottom sheets (views draggable …

android android-support-library ontouchlistener touch-event android-support-design
How can I add OnClickListener to Drawable in EditText?

I have edittext and want to add to right "search" icon.. searchTxt.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(0, 0,, 0); But how can I …

android android-edittext drawable onclicklistener ontouchlistener