Oh My Zsh is a popular open-source customization library for the Zsh terminal shell.
I have installed composer on my Mac and it works just fine. I have an issue with composer when i …
macos terminal oh-my-zshI am using zsh with oh-my-zsh's rc file and there is some behavior I find particularly annoying. By default, oh-my-zsh …
zsh oh-my-zshI'm a newbie in Linux I just installed composer and laravel... but when i run the laravel new project i …
php linux laravel linux-mint oh-my-zshI am new at zsh. I've installed the plugin zsh-autosuggestions in oh-my-zsh using instruction mentioned here. I am using Linux (…
linux zsh oh-my-zsh zshrc zsh-completionI'm using oh-my-zsh and I get this error every time I open terminal: WARNING: this script is deprecated, please see …
git zsh oh-my-zshI have a bunch of projects in my ~/Documents. I work almost exclusively in python, so these are basically all …
virtualenv zsh oh-my-zsh virtualenvwrapper direnvI get the following error messages when I open my terminal, Hyper: [oh-my-zsh] Insecure completion-dependent directories detected: drwxrwxr-x 7 dwaynethe2nd …
macos zsh oh-my-zsh hyperterminal