Top "Octave" questions

GNU Octave is a free and open-source mathematical software package and scripting language.

How can I start octave from the command line and not the GUI?

I recently installed GNU Octave on my Mac using Homebrew and as soon as I typed octave into bash, it …

terminal command-line-interface octave
octave error: subscript indices must be either positive integers or logicals

I'm trying to sum the product of an indexed vector and an indexed matrix like this: k=[0:1:N-1] n=[0:1:N-1] …

matlab sum sequence octave indices
How to clear the command line in Octave?

In Octave, when typing command in the command line, sometimes I need to erase the whole line and restart a …

command-line octave
Plotting FFT on octave

I know that FFT changes a function in the time domain to one showed in the frequency domain. However, when …

plot signal-processing fft octave
What is the fastest way to write a matrix to a text file in Octave?

I have a large matrix (2e6 x 3) which I have to write to a text file. dlmwrite takes about 230s …

file matlab matrix octave
Euclidean distance between two vectors (single row matrix)

I have two vectors (single row matrices). Assume that we already know the length len. A = [ x1 x2 x3 x4 …

matlab octave
Octave : logistic regression : difference between fmincg and fminunc

I often use fminunc for a logistic regression problem. I have read on web that Andrew Ng uses fmincg instead …

algorithm machine-learning neural-network octave
how to replace Inf and NaN with zero using built in function

In octave, is there a build in function for replacing Inf/NaN to 0 in a vector For example a = log10([30 40 0 60]) =&…

matlab octave
Why/when should I prefer MATLAB over Octave?

In our shoestring operation we need to prototype algorithms in some higher-level language before committing to a C implementation on …

matlab octave
cocktail party algorithm SVD implementation ... in one line of code?

In a slide within the introductory lecture on machine learning by Stanford's Andrew Ng at Coursera, he gives the following …

matlab machine-learning octave linear-algebra svd