Top "Octave" questions

GNU Octave is a free and open-source mathematical software package and scripting language.

Problems with Octave on Windows 8: crashes after any error

I have installed (and re-installed) Octave 3 times on Windows 8, and I still can't get it right. The first and most …

windows-8 octave
How do I detect if I'm running MATLAB or Octave?

I need to write code that should run equally well in Octave and on MATLAB. Problem is that it needs …

matlab portability octave
Wavelet signal decomposition in Octave

I want to conduct signal decomposition using wavelet transformation in Octave. And I don't know, what I should do. I …

signal-processing octave wavelet wavelet-transform
How to save plots as colorful .eps in octave

I am using win7 and octave 3.6.4, when i generate a plot with octave and save as .eps its colors go …

latex octave eps
How to read hdf data in Octave

I am doing project in remote sensing. Working with HDF on matlab is very easy. But i want to implement …

matlab image-processing octave hdf5 grid-computing
How to compute only the diagonal of a matrix product in Octave?

Is there a way in Octave to compute and store only the diagonal of a matrix product? Basically like doing: …

matlab matrix octave matrix-multiplication diagonal
Sine wave frequency fitting

This question is based on a previous similar question. I have the following equation and an adjusted (some random data): 0.44*…

math matlab fft octave data-fitting
For loop to split matrix to equal sized sub-matrices

Given a square matrix of say size 400x400, how would I go about splitting this into constituent sub-matrices of 20x20 …

matlab loops octave
Display struct fields without the mess

I have a struct in Octave that contains some big arrays. I'd like to know the names of the fields …

How to graph adjacency matrix using MATLAB

I want to create a plot showing connections between nodes from an adjacency matrix like the one below. gplot seems …

matlab matrix octave graph-theory adjacency-matrix