I want to use tesseract
to recognize only numbers. The problem is that I have mixture of numbers & letters and when I use SetVariable("tessedit_char_whitelist", "0123456789")
for every symbol tesseract returns wrong digit.
Can I set a threshold value so that tesseract
omits the symbols with low resemblance?
NOTE: I set tesseract
to recognize only digits so there is no confusion between O and 0.
Recognizing only numbers is actually answered on the tesseract FAQ page. See that page for more info, but if you have the version 3 package, the config files are already set up. You just specify on the commandline:
tesseract image.tif outputbase nobatch digits
As for the threshold value, I'm not sure which you mean. If your input is an unusual font, perhaps you might retrain with a sample of your input. An alternative is to change tesseract's pruning threshold. Both options are also mentioned in the FAQ.