Optical Character Recognition, usually abbreviated to OCR, is the mechanical or electronic translation of scanned images of handwritten, typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded text.
I need to use Pytesseract to extract text from this picture: and the code: from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance, ImageFilter …
python image image-processing ocr python-tesseractIs it possible to limit the set of characters that tesseract is looking for (e.g. search only for letters …
ocr tesseractI'm trying to build a sample application in java that will read an image file and just output the text …
java ocr tesseractDoes anyone know any available libraries or sample codes that can be used to develop an app that reads the …
android image-processing ocrIs there any free PHP OCR API, that is well documented in PHP, jQuery or JavaScript? I'm programming a web …
php javascript jquery ocr image-recognitionI'm trying to develop an App that uses Tesseract to recognize text from documents taken by a phone's cam. I'm …
opencv image-processing ocr tesseractI am capturing image using SurfaceView and getting Yuv Raw preview data in public void onPreviewFrame4(byte[] data, Camera camera) …
android image-processing ocr android-camera yuvI would like to build an Android application that, via an OCR library, should scan a picture extracting text from …
java android ocrI am having some problems with pytesseract. I need to configure Tesseract to that it is configured to accept single …
python ocr tesseract