The NSObject
method performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:
allows me to invoke a method on the object with an object argument after a certain time. It cannot be used for methods with a non-object argument (e.g. ints, floats, structs, non-object pointers, etc.).
What is the simplest way to achieve the same thing with a method with a non-object argument? I know that for regular performSelector:withObject:
, the solution is to use NSInvocation
(which by the way is really complicated). But I don't know how to handle the "delay" part.
Here is what I used to call something I couldn't change using NSInvocation:
SEL theSelector = NSSelectorFromString(@"setOrientation:animated:");
NSInvocation *anInvocation = [NSInvocation
[MPMoviePlayerController instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:theSelector]];
[anInvocation setSelector:theSelector];
[anInvocation setTarget:theMovie];
UIInterfaceOrientation val = UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait;
BOOL anim = NO;
[anInvocation setArgument:&val atIndex:2];
[anInvocation setArgument:&anim atIndex:3];
[anInvocation performSelector:@selector(invoke) withObject:nil afterDelay:1];