In Objective-c 2.0 why do subclasses need to reference instance variables in parent classes using the self
Consider this example:
// a.h
@interface MyClass : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, retain) Object *myObject;
// a.m
@implementation MyClass
@synthesize myObject;
// b.h
@interface AnotherClass : MyClass
// b.m
@implementation AnotherClass
- (void) someMethod {
// error
// Object *obj = myObject;
// works
// Object *obj = self.myObject;
You haven't actually defined a variable, you only defined a property (which implicitly defines a variable that is private). And since property are just method, you need the dot syntax. Note that
is the same as [self property]
To fix this, specify a variable. I'll give you an example where the variable has a different name than the property. Most people chose the same name for both but I like to have them differ so I immediately see which one is meant.
// a.h
@interface MyClass : NSObject {
// Instance variables are "protected" by default, except if you
// use @private or @public.
Object *myObjectVar;
@property (nonatomic, retain) Object *myObject;
// a.m
@implementation MyClass
@synthesize myObject = myObjectVar;
// b.h
@interface AnotherClass : MyClass
// b.m
@implementation AnotherClass
- (void) someMethod {
// works
Object *obj = myObjectVar;
// works
obj = self.myObject;
// the same as self.myObject
obj = [self myObject];
Note the difference when you assign: if you assign to your variable the object is not retained automatically. But it is retained if you use the property:
myObjectVar = someObject; // not retained, old object not released!
self.myObject = someObject; // old object released, new object retained
[self setMyObject:someObject]; // same as the line above
Edit: Mentioned that the synthesized instance variables are private by default, as noted by @Jason Coco. And @NSGod is right that normal instance variables are protected by default rather than public, fixed that.