Related to my previous question here.
I have a path to an image in the asset library , for example:
Now, how could I load the image from this path to a UIImage object?
Here is the code:
NSString *path = [occasion imagePath];
NSLog(@"the 2nd occasion imagePath is: %@", path);
if (path != nil)
//UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:path];
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:path];
image = [image imageByScalingAndCroppingForSize:CGSizeMake(36.0, 42.0)];
[[cell imageView] setImage:image];
from the answer linked in my comment above:
NSString *mediaurl = [self.node valueForKey:kVMMediaURL];
ALAssetsLibraryAssetForURLResultBlock resultblock = ^(ALAsset *myasset)
ALAssetRepresentation *rep = [myasset defaultRepresentation];
CGImageRef iref = [rep fullResolutionImage];
if (iref) {
largeimage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:iref];
[largeimage retain];
ALAssetsLibraryAccessFailureBlock failureblock = ^(NSError *myerror)
NSLog(@"booya, cant get image - %@",[myerror localizedDescription]);
if(mediaurl && [mediaurl length] && ![[mediaurl pathExtension] isEqualToString:AUDIO_EXTENSION])
[largeimage release];
NSURL *asseturl = [NSURL URLWithString:mediaurl];
ALAssetsLibrary* assetslibrary = [[[ALAssetsLibrary alloc] init] autorelease];
[assetslibrary assetForURL:asseturl