I have added a UIWebview to the cell's content view
UIWebView *webview = [UIWebView alloc]init];
[cell.contentView addSubview:webview];
Now I intend to remove 'webview' from the cell's contentview.
Can I do the following?
Method 1:
[webview removeFromSuperview];
Or do I really need to loop through all the subviews of the contentview before removing it?
Method 2:
for (UIView *subview in [self.contentView subviews])
if ([subview isKindOfClass:[UIWebView class]])
[subview removeFromSuperview];
I tried method 1 and it didn't seem to work, am not sure if I am missing something or if method 2 is the only way to go
Method 1 should work, but are you sure that the web view you're removing is really the same as the one you added? A simple way to remove a given subview from a view is to assign a tag:
webView.tag = 123;
[cell.contentView addSubview:webView];
[[cell.contentView viewWithTag:123] removeFromSuperview];
In practice it would of course be better to use a named constant as the tag.