How to change the width of UITabBarItem?
I have an item with the title, that is wider than default item width. How can I fix it?
Solution for iOS7 and greater versions:
A new property has been introduced for UITabBar: itemWidth.
Set the itemWidth to a positive value to be used as the width for tab bar items when they are positioned as a centered group (as opposed to filling the tab bar). Default of 0 or values less than 0 will be interpreted as a system-defined width.
@property(nonatomic) CGFloat itemWidth NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
So you can do this in your AppDelegate:
[[UITabBar appearance] setItemWidth:WIDTH];
If you want to fill the whole UITabBar:
[[UITabBar appearance] setItemWidth:self.window.frame.size.width/NUMBER_OF_ITEMS];