Using the fantastic posts in this forum, I created a switch as a accessoryView in a tableView. When the switch is touched my action (switchChanged) is called. Only the sender has a valid value, the event is 0x0.
Adding target to the switchView:
[switchView addTarget:self action:@selector(switchChanged:forEvent:) forControlEvents:(UIControlEventValueChanged | UIControlEventTouchDragInside)];
The Action:
- (void) switchChanged:(id)sender forEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
if(event) {
NSIndexPath *indexPath = [self.tableView indexPathForRowAtPoint:[[[event touchesForView:sender] anyObject] locationInView:self.tableView]];
IFDFlightlogFormQuestions *question = [self.resultsController objectAtIndexPath:indexPath];
NSLog(@"IFDNewFlightlogViewController_Pad:switchChanged Switch is %@ xmlAttrib %@",[sender isOn],question.XmlAttrib);
[self.xmlResults setValue:([sender isOn])?@"true":@"false" forKey:question.XmlAttrib];
Using action:@selector(switchChanged: forEvent:)
- Added space - no change.
Using action:@selector(switchChanged::)
- removed forEvent
- unrecognized selector.
My goal is to get the indexPath to the tableView so I can change the value in my dictionary.
My current workaround is to use just the sender information, but I would like the event information:
- (void) switchChanged:(id)sender forEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
UISwitch *switchView = (UISwitch *)sender;
UITableViewCell *cell = (UITableViewCell *)switchView.superview;
UITableView *tableView = (UITableView *)cell.superview;
NSIndexPath *indexPath = [tableView indexPathForCell:cell];
IFDFlightlogFormQuestions *question = [self.resultsController objectAtIndexPath:indexPath];
NSLog(@"IFDNewFlightlogViewController_Pad:switchChanged Switch is %@ xmlAttrib %@",([sender isOn])?@"On":@"Off",question.XmlAttrib);
[self.xmlResults setValue:([sender isOn])?@"true":@"false" forKey:question.XmlAttrib];
Any pointers on getting the event information on this?
It is possible to trigger @selector
by adding a target to the UISwitch
[switchCtl addTarget:self action:@selector(action:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];