I want to generate a new NSDate
with 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds for time. The source date can be any random NSDate
Is there a way to achieve this? The documentation did not help me with this.
Have: 2010-10-30 10:14:13 GMT
Want: 2010-10-30 00:00:00 GMT
unsigned int flags = NSCalendarUnitYear | NSCalendarUnitMonth | NSCalendarUnitDay;
NSCalendar* calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSDateComponents* components = [calendar components:flags fromDate:date];
NSDate* dateOnly = [calendar dateFromComponents:components];
is the date you want to remove the time from.
This separates the date and time and creates a new date with the default time (00:00:00).
To take time zone into account:
NSDate* dateOnly = [[calendar dateFromComponents:components] dateByAddingTimeInterval:[[NSTimeZone localTimeZone]secondsFromGMT]];