RKObjectMapping.h Not Found

chipbk10 picture chipbk10 · Sep 14, 2015 · Viewed 12.1k times · Source

I "pod update", and my RestKit version now is 0.25.0, my RKValueTransformers is 1.1.2, and an error appeared "RKObjectMapping.h" not found.

What did RestKit change in the new version, that I check on the its github cannot find anything.

The following steps can reproduce the error:

1) Create a new project

2) pod init

Podfile looks like:

platform :ios, '8.3'
#pod 'RestKit', '~> 0.20.0'
#pod 'RestKit', '~> 0.24.1'
pod 'RestKit'

In all cases of different versions, the issue is the same

3) open .xcworkspace

4) in the viewcontroller.m

#import <RestKit/ObjectMapping/RKObjectMapping.h>
#import <RestKit/ObjectMapping/RKRelationshipMapping.h>
#import <RestKit/Network/RKResponseDescriptor.h>
#import <RestKit/Network/RKObjectRequestOperation.h>
#import <RestKit/Support/RKLog.h>
#import <RestKit/CoreData/RKEntityMapping.h>
#import <RestKit/Network/RKObjectManager.h>


#import "RKObjectMapping.h"
#import "RKRelationshipMapping.h"
#import "RKResponseDescriptor.h"
#import "RKObjectRequestOperation.h"
#import "RKLog.h"
#import "RKEntityMapping.h"
#import "RKObjectManager.h"

The error is still there: "RKObjectMapping.h" not found in a file of RestKit Pod

Note: I am using Xcode 7-beta5, Objective-C


Alix picture Alix · Oct 20, 2015

There is easy way to work around this problem when you don't want to touch cocoapods. because fixing them itself a hassle. I have fixed my problem as follows:

Click on your project file
Then go to build settings search for "header search path"
With the drop down just make them recursive.

You Should be looking for following:
