Create class diagram from already existent iphone code

Simon D. picture Simon D. · Mar 11, 2010 · Viewed 14.4k times · Source

does anybody know, how i could create automatically a UML class diagram from an already existent iphone project. Is it possible?

Thanks in advance.


Jano picture Jano · Apr 24, 2011

Yes, you can use Doxygen:

  1. Install Doxygen (with MacPorts: sudo port install doxygen).

  2. Get a script like this and change the first lines to match your configuration.

  3. Download these files and edit the Doxygen file so it says HAVE_DOT=YES and UML_LOOK=YES.

It will then generate and install a docset that you can read from the documentation browser, or just right click and show contents from Finder.

Or, if you want a graph of dependencies check: It uses graphviz.