I need to set a text size (for example to 42) of the selected rich text which uses multiple fonts.
I imagine I can check attributes of each group of characters, modify the font size and set attributes back, but looking at the floating Font panel it seems like there should be a very easy and straightforward way to accomplish that. Do I miss something obvious?
On 10.6 there is a convenient way to iterate over the attributes and increase the font size. This method can be added to an NSTextView category.
- (IBAction)increaseFontSize:(id)sender
NSTextStorage *textStorage = [self textStorage];
[textStorage beginEditing];
[textStorage enumerateAttributesInRange: NSMakeRange(0, [textStorage length])
options: 0
usingBlock: ^(NSDictionary *attributesDictionary,
NSRange range,
BOOL *stop)
#pragma unused(stop)
NSFont *font = [attributesDictionary objectForKey:NSFontAttributeName];
if (font) {
[textStorage removeAttribute:NSFontAttributeName range:range];
font = [[NSFontManager sharedFontManager] convertFont:font toSize:[font pointSize] + 1];
[textStorage addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:font range:range];
[textStorage endEditing];
[self didChangeText];