How to find out if the NSURL is a directory or not

Marci-man picture Marci-man · Mar 9, 2014 · Viewed 7.1k times · Source

I have a NSURL object. It has address of a filesystem element, it is either a file or a directory. I want to be able to tell if the NSURL is a directory or a file.

I have already tried this, which doesn"t seem to work!

NSURL * temp ....... ;// it is initialized and has a valid value 
CFURLRef xx = (CFURLRef)CFBridgingRetain(temp);
if(CFURLHasDirectoryPath(xx)) NSLog(@"was a file");
else NSLog(@"was a folder");


Marcelo Fabri picture Marcelo Fabri · Mar 9, 2014
NSNumber *isDirectory;

// this method allows us to get more information about an URL. 
// We're passing NSURLIsDirectoryKey as key because that's the info we want to know.
// Also, we pass a reference to isDirectory variable, so it can be modified to have the return value
BOOL success = [url getResourceValue:&isDirectory forKey:NSURLIsDirectoryKey error:nil];

// If we could read the information and it's indeed a directory
if (success && [isDirectory boolValue]) {
    NSLog(@"Congratulations, it's a directory!");
} else {
    NSLog(@"It seems it's just a file.");