Working with paths from [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath]

Tom Irving picture Tom Irving · Dec 23, 2009 · Viewed 44.7k times · Source

I'm sure it's a very basic problem, but I'm having trouble finding anything about it.

Say I've got my app in a folder, in some more folders, like this:

  • MainFolder > SecondaryFolder > > all the stuff

Then, what I want to do is access a file that is in the "MainFolder". I know I can get the path of the AppBundle by using:

NSLog(@"%@",[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath]);

What I'm uncertain about is how to get the path of the "MainFolder".

Any pointers would be great!

Thanks, Tom


pix0r picture pix0r · Dec 23, 2009

I'd use -[NSString stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] twice.

NSString *bundlePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath];
NSString *secondParentPath = [[bundlePath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];