Can I intercept a method call in Objective-C? How?
Edit: Mark Powell's answer gave me a partial solution, the -forwardInvocation method. But the documentation states that -forwardInvocation is only called when an object is sent a message for which it has no corresponding method. I'd like a method to be called under all circumstances, even if the receiver does have that selector.
You do it by swizzling the method call. Assuming you want to grab all releases to NSTableView:
static IMP gOriginalRelease = nil;
static void newNSTableViewRelease(id self, SEL releaseSelector, ...) {
NSLog(@"Release called on an NSTableView");
gOriginalRelease(self, releaseSelector);
//Then somewhere do this:
gOriginalRelease = class_replaceMethod([NSTableView class], @selector(release), newNSTableViewRelease, "v@:");
You can get more details in the Objective C runtime documentation.