I have an NSTableView
of content type View Based
with two columns.
My objects are structured as follows:
Table View
Table Column
Table Cell View
Text Field
Table Column
Table Cell View
Popup Button
For a selected row, I want to get an element inside the selected row for a specific column. Specifically, I want to get the Text Field
in the first column for the selected row.
I have an outlet to the table view and I have the index of the selected row so far, but that's about it:
- (void)getSelectedTextField
NSInteger selected = [tableView selectedRow];
Any ideas on how I can go about tackling this problem?
Edit: This is what I am trying to do: I want to change the text field to be in an editing state and focus on it so the user can start editing the text field value as soon as it is selected
I seemed to have solved my own problem:
- (void)getSelectedTextField
NSInteger selected = [tableView selectedRow];
// Get row at specified index
NSTableCellView *selectedRow = [tableView viewAtColumn:0 row:selected makeIfNecessary:YES];
// Get row's text field
NSTextField *selectedRowTextField = [selectedRow textField];
// Focus on text field to make it auto-editable
[[self window] makeFirstResponder:selectedRowTextField];
// Set the keyboard carat to the beginning of the text field
[[selectedRowTextField currentEditor] setSelectedRange:NSMakeRange(0, 0)];