ObjectDataSource control acts as a data interface for databound controls such as: GridView, Repeater, FormView and DetailsView.
I have a gridview that has its DataSourceID property set to a custom ObjectDataSource object. When AllowPaging is set to …
asp.net gridview postback paging objectdatasourceSuppose I have a given ObjectDataSource, this objectdatasource "SelectMethod" property is set to "GetProjectsByUsername" of a class Project and accepting …
c# asp.net objectdatasourceI have configured a GridView to fill data by an ObjectDataSource. This ObjectDataSource requires only one parameter which is bound …
c# asp.net parameters textbox objectdatasourceIn the RDLC report, in Design view in Visual Studio 2008, we don't see anything in the Website Data Sources tab …
reportviewer rdlc objectdatasourceI have a FormView bound to an ObjectDataSource. * ObjectDataSource definition (omitted portion of it for simplicity)* <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="…
c# asp.net objectdatasource formviewI'm trying to use a Gridview to show a datatable from an Object data source. It's giving me the error: …
asp.net vb.net objectdatasource dataadapterIf I have an ObjectDataSource setup like: <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server" DataObjectTypeName="Employee" InsertMethod="Insert" UpdateMethod="Update" …
c# .net asp.net vb.net objectdatasourceI have two local data sources that I can push into the report. Works no problem. But how do I …
c# reporting-services report objectdatasourceI am using my class "Invoice" as a Data Source. But after adding more properties to it, Visual Studio refuses …
c# visual-studio visual-studio-2010 datasource objectdatasourceI have an ASP.NET WebForms page containing an ASPxGridView and an ObjectDataSource: <dx:ASPxGridView ID="gvEmployees" runat="server" …
c# asp.net entity-framework devexpress objectdatasource