Top "Objectcontext" questions

Core class within Entity Framework.

Entity framework remove object from context, but not from database

I am working on a batch process which dumps ~800,000 records from a slow legacy database (1.4-2ms per record fetch …

c# entity-framework memory-management out-of-memory objectcontext
ASP.Net Entity Framework, objectcontext error

I'm building a 4 layered ASP.Net web application. The layers are: Data Layer Entity Layer Business Layer UI Layer The …

.net lazy-loading objectdisposedexception objectcontext
Provider connection string from Entity Framework

If you are using object contex data model (with EDMX file), during its creation you might want to specify the …

c# entity-framework edmx objectcontext
Compiled Query no implicit reference conversion to ObjectContext

I'm creating a delegate to retrieve all album records in the database. I've used this same way in another project, …

c# objectcontext compiled-query
How to create Entity Framework ObjectContext?

I have many DBs in one SQL server. I placed connectionString as template(look at Initial Catalog={0}) into web.config. &…

entity-framework c#-4.0 entity-framework-4 objectcontext
EF6 Type of context 'System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects.ObjectContext' is not supported

I have a new project created using Visual Studio 2013 with an ADO.NET Entity Data Model (EF6). Now I have …

c# entity-framework objectcontext
Entity Framework Object Context in ASP.NET Session object?

We have a multi-layered Asp.NET Web Forms application. The data layer has a class called DataAccess which impements IDisposable … entity-framework session httpcontext objectcontext
Entity framework - objectcontext disposed exception

I've been debugging this program without any result, and unfortunately I can't see the root of the problem. I get …

c# frameworks entity objectcontext objectdisposedexception
Convert Library from ObjectContext to DbContext

I have a library (based on code found in an old blog post) that allows me to very easily wrap …

entity-framework entity-framework-4.1 objectcontext dbcontext
Entity Framework Update - The context is not currently tracking the entity

I am trying to update an entity but I am getting the following error: The context is not currently tracking …

entity-framework-4 objectcontext