Top "Nusoap" questions

NuSOAP is a set of PHP classes to enable the consumption and creation of SOAP web services.

Can nusoap return array of string?

I would like to return an array of string in my web services I've tryed : <?php require_once('nusoap/…

web-services nusoap
PHP nusoap webservice security

I am writing soap server and soap client in php. For Authentication of soap services , i want to use "usernametoken" …

php web-services nusoap
return utf-8 (farsi) string from nuSOAP webservice

i wrote a very simple webservice that you can see it's code below: SERVER : <?php ini_set('error_reporting', …

php mysql unicode utf-8 nusoap
How to use nuSOAP for messages with multiple namespaces

I'm trying to access a WebService using nuSOAP (because I'm bound to PHP4 here) that uses more than 1 namespace in …

php soap php4 nusoap
Nusoap "SOAP-ENV: Xml was empty, didn't parse" Message

I'm trying to implement a simple webservice using nusoap. Server: <?php require_once "nusoaplib/nusoap.php"; class food { public …

php soap wsdl client nusoap
NuSOAP and response with Array

I've NuSOAP web-server: ... $server->register('getMembersEvents', array('date' => 'xsd:string'), array('Events' => 'tns:Events'), 'urn:my', false, …

php nusoap
Moving from NuSOAP to PHP5 SOAP

I have been working on a script with PHP4 that relies on NuSOAP. Now, I'm trying to move this to …

php soap wsdl port nusoap
how to deal with array ComplexType in NuSoap?

currently i am using PHP Version 5.4.16, and NuSoap 0.95, i have try this example : here which shown the server code like …

php web-services nusoap complextype
php get SOAP header Username and Password from SOAP SERVER

I have to create PHP, SOAP API. I need to authenticate SOAP client from SOAP Server. This is the code …

php soap soap-client nusoap
Soap client, how to call a function over HTTPS with Basic HTTP Authentication

This problem has been killing me for the entire day. I have a client web service https://*.asmx?WSDL, with …

php basic-authentication soap-client nusoap