Top "Nunit" questions

NUnit is an open source unit testing framework for .NET and Silverlight written in C#. It serves the same purpose as JUnit or TestNG does in the Java world, and is one of many in the xUnit family.

Read & map data from Json file in c# test

I was trying to use data from JSON file in automation test. Because I found how to work with it, …

c# json selenium nunit data-driven-tests
Having trouble getting NUnit's Assert.Throws to work properly

I could have sworn that I've used NUnit's Assert.Throws to determine whether or not a particular exception gets thrown …

unit-testing exception dictionary nunit keynotfoundexception
How do I add NUnit as a test framework option for ASP.NET MVC to Visual Web Developer 2008 Express?

According to Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0, page 8, "If you are using VS 2008 Standard Edition or Visual Web Developer 2008 Express you … nunit vwdexpress
Assert that value is equal to any of a collection of expected values

Does NUnit provide a constraint to find whether the actual value is the element of a given enumerable or array, …

c# .net nunit assertions fluent-interface
Running NUnit through Resharper 8 tests fail when crossing between projects due to AppDomain

I recently updated to Resharper 8, and when I tried to run a suite of projects. These tests contain two suites …

c# nunit resharper integration-testing appdomain
Automatic running of unit tests on build

I would love to know if there is a way I can get Visual Studio to run unit tests corresponding …

.net visual-studio unit-testing nunit build-automation
Increase readability to assert IsNotNullOrEmpty with constraint-based asserts

I'm currently rewriting some unit tests to use NUnit 3 instead of NUnit 2 and need to change some asserts to contraint-based …

c# unit-testing nunit nunit-3.0
Running tests on Mac OS X console using mono/nunit-console/4

I have Max OS X 10.11.1 installed, with Xamarin on it. I wrote simple testing class, just to test running Nunit …

c# macos mono nunit nunit-console
NUnit: How to pass TestCaseData from a non-static method?

my test fails because of : Message: The sourceName specified on a TestCaseSourceAttribute must refer to a static field, property or …

c# unit-testing junit nunit nunit-3.0
Using runsettings file when running NUnit tests via command line

I created a runsettings file which looks like this <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RunSettings> <TestRunParameters&…

c# command-line nunit runsettings