Top "Nullable" questions

The nullable tag is for issues relating to nullable members or types.

Nullable types in strongly-typed datatables/datasets - workarounds?

Strongly-typed DataTables support "nullable" field types, except that the designer will not allow you change the setting to "allow nulls" …

c# dataset extension-methods nullable strongly-typed-dataset
VB.Net Linq to Entities Null Comparison - 'Is Nothing' or '= Nothing'?

We have several projects in VB.Net, using .Net Framework 4 and Linq to Entities for many of our SQL queries. … linq-to-entities nullable nothing
How to create structure with null value support?

I'm new in C#. In c# I can't set value of a structure to null how can I create a …

c# structure nullable
Why shouldn't I always use nullable types in C#

I've been searching for some good guidance on this since the concept was introduced in .net 2.0. Why would I ever …

c# null c#-2.0 nullable
NHibernate 2.* mapping files: how to define nullable DateTime type (DateTime?)?

I know one of the breaking changes with NHibernate 2.* is that the NHibernate.Nullables are no longer supported. Therefore, what …

nhibernate datetime nhibernate-mapping nullable
Why is this code invalid in C#?

The following code will not compile: string foo = "bar"; Object o = foo == null ? DBNull.Value : foo; I get: Error 1 Type …

c# nullable conditional-operator dbnull
How much disk-space is needed to store a NULL value using postgresql DB?

let's say I have a column on my table defined the following: "MyColumn" smallint NULL Storing a value like 0, 1 or …

sql postgresql types nullable
Difference between DateTimeOffset?(Nullable) and DateTimeOffset.Now

How can I calculate the time between between a nullable DateTimeOffset? to DateTimeOffset.Now ? I need the result like "x …

c# datetime nullable datetimeoffset
TryParse to a nullable type

I would like to try to parse a string as a DateTime?, and if it fails then set the value …

c# .net null nullable tryparse
Nullable Int Column in DataSet

I'm working with .NET strongly-typed datasets and have a table with a nullable int column (and a nullable DateTime column …

.net int nullable strongly-typed-dataset