Top "Nsuserdefaults" questions

NSUserDefaults is the Objective-C API for storing and retrieving user preferences in Apple's Foundation framework for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch.

How to print NSUserDefaults content in Swift

How do you print all the content of NSUserDefaults? I need to see everything that has been stored into NSUserDefaults. …

ios swift nsuserdefaults
How secure is NSUserDefaults on iOS 8,9?

In-App Purchase Programming Guide suggests you can persist In-App purchase in NSUserDefaults here. However I found this article saying that …

ios swift security in-app-purchase nsuserdefaults
Cannot access NSUserDefaults using app groups one to another

I'm working on an app and a widget that the widget needs to get data from app. I've used the …

ios swift xcode nsuserdefaults ios-app-group
Why is NSUserDefaults unwilling to save my NSDictionary?

I'm using KVC to serialize an NSObject and attempt to save it to NSUserDefaults, which is giving me an Attempt …

iphone objective-c nsdictionary nsuserdefaults kvc
Best way to save to nsuserdefaults for custom class?

If I have a custom class Person which has three variables (which are propertized and synthesized): NSString* theName; float* theHeight; …

iphone objective-c nsarray nsdictionary nsuserdefaults
How do I use UserDefaults with SwiftUI?

struct ContentView: View { @State var settingsConfiguration: Settings struct Settings { var passwordLength: Double = 20 var moreSpecialCharacters: Bool = false var specialCharacters: Bool = false …

swift nsuserdefaults swiftui
Saving NSMutableArray to NSUserDefaults using NSKeyedArchiver

I'm having trouble retrieving a saved NSMutableArray containing a custom object. The app crashes and the console reports http://pastie.…

iphone nsmutablearray nsuserdefaults nskeyedarchiver
Save CoreData-entities in NSUserDefaults

Imagine an CoreData entity (e.g. named searchEngine). NSManagedObjectContext manages some "instances" of this entity. The end-user is going to …

cocoa core-data save nsuserdefaults
Save username-password with NSUserDefault, how and how much safe?

I would save a couple of values (username-password) with NSUserDefault. First: is there a way to save them together (like …

objective-c ios passwords nsuserdefaults username
iOS 10, NSUserDefaults Does Not Work

I try to write/read values to/from [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults], but it seems not to work. My code is: [[NSUserDefaults …

ios objective-c nsuserdefaults xcode8 ios10