Top "Nssortdescriptor" questions

An OS X (available in OS X v10.

Problem with NSSortDescriptor using custom comparator via selector

I want to use a sortdescriptor with a custom comparator NSSortDescriptor *sortDescriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"object.dateTime" ascending:YES selector:@…

iphone selector nssortdescriptor
iPhone CoreData - How to fetch managed objects, and sorting them ignoring case?

Does anyone know how to fetch some results sorting them alphabetically but ignoring case?

iphone sorting core-data nssortdescriptor
How to establish secondary NSSortDescriptor sort key?

I have successfully sorted the data I have by my sort key lastName, but I want to know how to …

iphone objective-c ios xcode4.2 nssortdescriptor
NSMutableArray sorting - case insensitive

I am sorting an NSMutableArray as follows: NSSortDescriptor *sortDescriptor; sortDescriptor = [[[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:str_key ascending:bool_asc_desc] autorelease]; …

objective-c cocoa nssortdescriptor
Sorting NSMutableArray using SortDescriptor AND Predicate possible?

I have an array of type "Restaurant" which has an NSSet of "Rating." Rating has an ID and a value. …

objective-c nsarray nspredicate nssortdescriptor
Sort descriptors with NSFetchedResultsController - Swift

I have a UITableView fed from Core Data with an NSFetchedResultsController returning the Location entities. The default sorting (and section …

swift nsfetchedresultscontroller nssortdescriptor unrecognized-selector sections