On Mac OS X, the NSOperationQueue class regulates the execution of a set of NSOperation objects.
I'm moving my code from regular GCD to NSOperationQueue because I need some of the functionality. A lot of my …
ios objective-c xcode grand-central-dispatch nsoperationqueueIs there a way to log the thread or queue that a method is running on / called from? Something like: …
ios objective-c multithreading grand-central-dispatch nsoperationqueuexCode 4.4.1 OSX 10.8.2, looks like [operation cancelAllOperations]; isn't working - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification { NSOperationQueue *operation = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init]; [operation setMaxConcurrentOperationCount: 1]; […
cocoa nsoperationqueueI created a NSOperationQueue to download images (from Twitter for Cell): NSOperationQueue *queue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc]init]; [queue addOperationWithBlock:^{ NSString *ImagesUrl = [[…
ios cocoa-touch asynchronous grand-central-dispatch nsoperationqueueThanks in advance for help, I have two API calls, both are concurrent and any call could be success first(…
ios swift4 nsoperationqueue nsoperation swift4.1What's the difference between this: [[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^{ [self doSomthing:object]; }]; and this: [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(doSomething:) withObject:object waitUntilDone:…
ios iphone objective-c concurrency nsoperationqueueI have an NSFetchedResultsController and a few operations updates managed objects on separate threads via NSOperationQueue. The FRC (with its …
ios core-data nsfetchedresultscontroller nsmanagedobjectcontext nsoperationqueueAs the title suggests, what is the default value of the maxConcurrentOperationCount for NSOperationQueue? Is it set to a value …
ios objective-c nsoperation nsoperationqueueI've created a test project in which I'm testing my assumptions about NSOperation and NSOperationQueue before using them in my …
cocoa-touch cocoa nsoperationqueueI'm using NSOperationQueue, and NSOperation for running some function on background click. But I want to be able, when user …
objective-c macos cocoa nsoperation nsoperationqueue