Top "Nsmutabledictionary" questions

NSMutableDictionary is the mutable version of NSDictionary.

[__NSDictionaryI setObject:forKey:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance

I am trying to add "dateTime" to My dictionary as defined follows: Symptom Ranking: { 5111ef19253b4a9150000000 = 1; 5111f029253b4add4…

ios nsdictionary nsmutabledictionary foundation
How to add the object array to nsmutabledictionary with another array as key

for(Attribute* attribute in appDelegate.attributeArray) { attribute = [appDelegate.attributeArray objectAtIndex:z]; attri = attribute.zName; int y = 0; for(Row* r in …

iphone objective-c nsmutablearray nsmutabledictionary
How do I use the writeToFile method on an NSMutableDictionary?

I would like to use a method (writeToFile) only available for NSDictionary to a NSMutableDictionary object. So, how do I …

iphone ios ios4 nsdictionary nsmutabledictionary
How to get NSMutableDictionary count in iphone?

I want to get NSMutableDictionary count in iphone. I want to know how many items are in NSMutableDictionry. I tried …

iphone ios count nsmutabledictionary
NSMutableDictionary with single key holding many values in Objective-C programming

Please tell me how can we have multiple values for the same key in NSMutableDictionary? When I use the below …

objective-c nsmutabledictionary
Initialize NSMutableDictionary

I am developing an iOS application in which I want to use an NSMutableDictionary. Basically what I am doing is …

ios objective-c nsmutabledictionary
cast from [String:AnyObject] to unrelated type NSMutableDictionary always fails Warning

Code is working, but how do I silent this warning that keeps on appearing every time? let parentView = self.parentViewController …

ios swift dictionary casting nsmutabledictionary
how to do true deep copy for NSArray and NSDictionary with have nested arrays/dictionary?

Question: Is there a way to use existing objective-c methods to do a full deep copy of a NSDictionary or …

iphone nsdictionary nsmutabledictionary deep-copy
How to sort an array which contains Dictionaries?

I have an array which contains dictionaries in it; so how can I sort the array according to dictionary key …

objective-c nsmutablearray nsmutabledictionary
NSMutableDictionary: mutating method sent to immutable object

The following code is returning an exception with the following error message "mutating method sent to immutable object" when attempting …

ios objective-c nsuserdefaults nsmutabledictionary mutable