Top "Nsdateformatter" questions

Class that creates string representations of NSDate (and NSCalendarDate) objects, and convert textual representations of dates and times into NSDate objects.

How do I format JSON Date String with Swift?

I make an http get request to a server and get back a json object with a date string like …

json swift nsdateformatter
Date formatting not working in Swift 3

I'm having a problem with NSDate in a function. Essentially, the formatting is not working, and I need another set …

nsdateformatter swift3
Convert Optional string to date

I have this Optional(2015-07-27 19:29:50 +0000) as a string? and I want to convert it to a date (NSDate) but …

ios swift nsdate nsdateformatter
NSDateFormatter dateFromString Always Returns nil

I want to apologize ahead of time for asking a repeat question, but none of the other solutions have worked …

ios nsdate nsdateformatter
NSString to NSDate for yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS+05:30 format

My date string that I am getting is 2014-01-08T21:21:22.737+05:30 of this format. How do i confer it to …

ios iphone objective-c nsdate nsdateformatter
How to convert "2017-01-09T11:00:00.000Z" into Date in Swift 3?

My problem is that the date is nil. My code looks like print(article_date) // output "2017-01-09T11:00:00.000Z" …

swift swift3 nsdate alamofire nsdateformatter
Ordinal Month-day Suffix Option for NSDateFormatter setDateFormat

What setDateFormat option for NSDateFormatter do I use to get a month-day's ordinal suffix? e.g. the snippet below currently …

iphone cocoa nsdate nsdateformatter
Comprehensive list of date format patterns in obj-c for iOS

Is there an actual, comprehensive list of supported date format patterns/tokens? I've been looking at the API docs, and …

objective-c ios ios6 nsdateformatter date-formatting
How to get next 10 days from current date in swift

I have dateformat string like this "2015-03-09".How do i get next 10 days date from current date?any help …

ios swift nsdateformatter
All dates between two Date objects (Swift)

I’m creating a date using NSDateComponents(). let startDate = NSDateComponents() startDate.year = 2015 startDate.month = 9 = 1 let calendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar() …

swift nsdate nsdateformatter nscalendar nsdatecomponents