Top "Nsarray" questions

An immutable, integer-indexed array of objects from the Apple Foundation framework.

Testing if NSMutableArray contains a string object

I have a NSMutableArray which contains a few NSString objects. How can I test if the array contains a particular …

iphone nsarray
Join an Array in Objective-C

I'm looking for a method of turning a NSMutableArray into a string. Is there anything on a par with this …

objective-c nsmutablearray nsarray
checking if an array doesn't contain a certain object

is there a class available to check if an array doesn't contain an object? I want to do something like …

objective-c nsarray
How can I check if an object in an NSArray is NSNull?

I am getting an array with null value. Please check the structure of my array below: ( "< null>" ) When …

ios objective-c nsarray nsnull
Removing item from array by property value

I'm looking for the most efficient and memory friendly way. Let's say I have an array of Person objects. Each …

ios objective-c nsarray nsmutablearray
NSSet to NSArray casting calling objectAtIndex?

I'm trying to update an MKMapView by removing all annotations outside the visible area, and adding and removing some annotations …

objective-c ios nsarray mkmapview nsset
How to create a NSString from a format string like @"xxx=%@, yyy=%@" and a NSArray of objects?

Is there any way to create a new NSString from a format string like @"xxx=%@, yyy=%@" and a NSArray of …

objective-c cocoa nsstring nsarray string-formatting
Sorting NSArray of dictionaries by value of a key in the dictionaries

I have an array populated by dictionaries, and I need to sort the array alphabetically by the values of one …

ios objective-c sorting nsarray nsdictionary
NSMutablearray move object from index to index

I have a UItableview with reordable rows and the data is in an NSarray. So how do I move an …

iphone objective-c nsarray