Top "Npgsql" questions

Npgsql is the .NET data provider for PostgreSQL.

Npgsql parameters with NULL value,

I'm running through a loop adding parameters, when I get to a NULL, the program punts. My statement looks like … postgresql parameters npgsql
Entity Framework Core code first default values for PostgreSQL

So far I read the docs, tutorials google brought up and other SO questions but it seems I miss something …

postgresql .net-core entity-framework-core npgsql .net-core-2.1
Entity Framework Core: Npgsql.PostgresException: 23505: duplicate key value violates unique constraint

I am getting the following exception when I try to insert an user from web api: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.…

c# entity-framework postgresql npgsql
Npgsql 3.0.3 error with Power BI Desktop

I'm receiving the following error when connecting to an AWS Postgres database that requires SSL. I recently upgraded from npgsql 2.3.2 (…

postgresql ssl npgsql powerbi
How to use Entity Framework + PostgreSQL from connection?

I have already seen threads discussing the use of Entity Framework and PostgreSQL with official instructions. Those instructions need to …

entity-framework-4 postgresql-9.1 npgsql
Npgsql pass parameters by name to a stored function

I'm working with code I'm converting to Pgsql working with .NET. I want to call a stored function that has …

c# npgsql stored-functions postgresql
postgresql does not appear in Data Source when generating Entity Data Model

I succeeded in accessing an existing postgresql dbase by using npgsql directly. I used for this: PostgreSQL 9.0.10 (32 bit) Visual Studio 2015 …

c# postgresql entity-framework-6 visual-studio-2015 npgsql