Top "Non-static" questions

non-static is a term to define a function or field that is bound to some object instance.

How do I call a non static method from a main method?

For example, I am trying to do something like this public class Test { public static void main(String args[]) { int[] …

java static non-static
What is the difference between static methods in a Non static class and static methods in a static class?

I have two classes Class A and ClassB: static class ClassA { static string SomeMethod() { return "I am a Static Method"; } } …

c# oop static static-methods non-static
non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context

The error comes from this line BoardState addme = new BoardState(); For some reason the non-static variable that it is pointing …

java static non-static
Powermock verify private static method call in non static method

Dear stackoverflow comrades, I again have a problem in getting a specific PowerMock / Mockito case to work. The issue is, …

java mockito powermock non-static
What is a nonstatic member function?

I am being told that I can't use the 'this' keyword in a class function. I'm coming from c# and …

c++ methods member non-static
C++ Overload Static Function with Non-Static Function

I would like to print two different things depending on whether a function is called statically with Foo::print() or …

c++ static overloading non-static
THREAD ERROR: invalid use of non-static member function

I'm trying to understand threads in C++ but I don't know how to solve this problem. I want to call …

c++ multithreading compiler-errors non-static
Static And Non Static Method Intercall In Java

I am clearing my concepts on Java. My knowledge about Java is on far begineer side, so kindly bear with …

java static non-static
Accessing class member from static method

I know there are a lot of threads talking about this but so far I haven't found one that helps …

c# static non-static
Laravel Non-static method issue

Having the following Models: news.php class News extends Aware { public static $table = 'noticia'; public static $key = 'idnoticia'; public static $…

php model laravel non-static