Top "Nokogiri" questions

An HTML, XML, SAX and Reader parser for Ruby with the ability to search documents via XPath or CSS3 selectors… and much more

How do I use Nokogiri to parse an XML file?

I'm having some issues with Nokogiri. I am trying to parse this XML file: <Collection version="2.0" id="74j5hc4…

ruby xml parsing nokogiri
How do I parse an HTML table with Nokogiri?

I installed Ruby and Mechanize. It seems to me that it is posible in Nokogiri to do what I want …

html ruby nokogiri mechanize html-table
How do I pretty-print HTML with Nokogiri?

I wrote a web crawler in Ruby and I'm using Nokogiri::HTML to parse the page. I need to print …

html ruby nokogiri pretty-print
Error installing Nokogiri 1.5.0 with rails 3.1.0 and ubuntu

Here is the error running bundle install vendor/gems on server: Installing nokogiri (1.5.0) with native extensions Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError: ERROR: …

ruby-on-rails ubuntu nokogiri bundler
What's the xpath syntax to get tag names?

I'm using Nokogiri to parse a large XML file. Say I've got the following structure: <menagerie> <penguin&…

ruby xml xpath nokogiri
Failing to install Nokogiri gem

I'm working on a rails app that allows for image attachments to each use account. I'm using paperclip and amazon …

ruby-on-rails ruby rvm paperclip nokogiri
OS X Lion, Attempting Nokogiri install - libxml2 is missing

sudo gem install nokogiri Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing nokogiri: ERROR: Failed to build …

ruby-on-rails osx-lion nokogiri
xpath for selecting <option> html tag?

xpath for selecting html tag ? <select> <option value="first option"> 1 </option> <option value="…

xpath nokogiri
Inserting and deleting XML nodes and elements using Nokogiri

I want to extract parts of an XML file and make a note that I extracted some part in that …

ruby nokogiri
Escape single quote in XPath with Nokogiri?

I have an XPath query that looks like this, with both single and double quotes. How do I escape the …

ruby xpath nokogiri