The NodeList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of nodes, without defining or constraining how this collection is implemented.
I am looking for a best way to iterate through NodeList excluding length. I am using: var foo = document.querySelectorAll(…
javascript loops nodelistI trying to work with a XML file from where a get a list of IPs and subnets, after that …
java arrays nodelisthere is my code : public void Login() { try{ DocumentBuilderFactory builderfactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = builderfactory.newDocumentBuilder(); File path = new File("…
java xml classcastexception nodelistI'm learning vanilla js and something that keeps coming up is that I see some examples of code that say …
javascript html nodelistI was originally asking for an elegant way to simulate the Array.concat() functionality on the results of the getElementsByTagName …
javascript internet-explorer concat nodelistI've got a nodelist of objects returned by a call to document.getElementsByClassName('a'). Some of these objects have an …
javascript getelementsbyclassname nodelistIt is my understanding that IE8 has access to the Array.prototype.slice method. Yet when I try to call …
javascript arrays dom prototype nodelistI have XML file parsed by XPath to get all the parameters in it, and then i want to get …
java xml xpath nodelist xmlnodelistI'm having a hard time converting a NodeList to an array in IE 8. The following works perfectly in Chrome, but …
javascript prototype internet-explorer-8 nodelist