Using the AWS SDK for JavaScript, I want to use a default profile that assumes the a role. This works perfectly with the AWS CLI. Using node.js with the SDK does not assume the role, but only uses credentials to the AWS account that the access key belongs to. I've found this documentation but it does not deal with assuming a role:
Any tips?
This is my config file:
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/Developer
source_profile = default
output = json
region = us-east-1
Found the correct way to do it! Check out this PR:
Just had to add AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG="true"
to the environment variable along with AWS_PROFILE="assume-role-profile"
So it doesn’t require any code update 😅
This is because, the SDK only loads credentials
file by default, not the config
file, but since AWS role_arn is stored in the config
file, we must enable loading the config
file as well.