Configure https agent to allow only TLS1.2 for outgoing requests

JHH picture JHH · Jun 19, 2017 · Viewed 20.8k times · Source

I'm making HTTPS connections from a node app, using a client certificate:

var options = { 
    hostname: '', 
    port: 443, 
    path: '/', 
    method: 'GET', 
    key: fs.readFileSync('client1-key.pem'), 
    cert: fs.readFileSync('client1-crt.pem'), 
    ca: fs.readFileSync('ca-crt.pem') }; 

var req = https.request(options, res => { 

Everything is working fine, however I want to add code to ensure only TLS 1.2 connections are allowed. I cannot find any way to configure this in the https.agent options, or elsewhere. Is it possible to configure this, or do I have to make a connection and then query the protocol version, with something like:

res.socket.getProtocol() === 'TLSv1.2'

and abort the connection if the protocol is not satisfactory?


supersam654 picture supersam654 · Jun 19, 2017

First I found the docs on making HTTPS requests. It mentions that you can pass additional options to tls.connect() which includes something called secureProtocol. Digging into tls.connect(), I found the secureContext option which mentions tls.createSecureContext(). And there it finally mentions secureProtocol which can be specified with a string from an OpenSSL page. I picked a string that looked reasonable (TLSv1_2_method) and passed the secureProtocol option directly into https.request.

This prints SSL Version: TLS 1.2 with the given secureProtocol and SSL Version: TLS 1.1 with secureProtocol: "TLSv1_1_method". The error handler at the end will get called if a connection cannot be established with the given TLS version.

var https = require('https')

var options = {
    hostname: '',
    port: 443,
    path: '/a/check',
    method: 'GET',
    secureProtocol: "TLSv1_2_method"

https.request(options, res => {
  let body = ''
  res.on('data', d => body += d)
  res.on('end', () => {
    data = JSON.parse(body)
    console.log('SSL Version: ' + data.tls_version)
}).on('error', err => {
  // This gets called if a connection cannot be established.