I am using node-redis and having a hard time connecting to external redis instance. I tried with redis-cli and it worked. However with node I am not able to figure out how to properly give the url and port.
With Redis-cli-
redis-cli -h mydomain.something.something.cache.amazonaws.com -p 6379
However with nodejs
Below didn't work
var client = redis.createClient('redis://mydomain.something.something.cache.amazonaws.com:6379'),
var client = redis.createClient({host:'redis://mydomain.something.something.cache.amazonaws.com', port: 6379});
How do I configure it. Please help.
Following should work with node.js -
var client = require('redis').createClient(6379, 'elastichache endpoint string', {
no_ready_check: true
Also, make sure that your security group on AWS allows you to access the database.