I'm trying to deploy a very simple express.js app on Azure webapp.
The deployment log shows the that the deployment passes correctly but the app doesn't start. Checking the kudu process explorer shows that indeed the node.js process is not running
On the other hand I don't see any application logs nor any indication that the app even started.
Is there a way to see what happened when the nodeiis tried to start the app?
Azure WebApp for node.js is running via iisnode as a native IIS module that allows hosting in IIS on Windows. Please see the document https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/silverlining/2012/06/14/windows-azure-websites-node-js/ to know its features.
For debugging the webapp for node.js, I suggest you can refer to the document to know how to do it.
If you are using Visual Studio as the IDE for node.js, I recommend installing NTVS in VS for debugging and deploying the node.js. Please see the documents below to know how to get started.
And there is an other tool called node-inspector
for inspecting the node.js app on Azure. As reference, you can refer to the doc http://www.ranjithr.com/?p=98.
Meanwhile, please check the web.config
file in your node webapp via Kudo Console, you can compare your codes with the sample generated by the template for Express from Gallery on Azure portal.
Hope it help. Any concern, please feel free to let me know.
The process explorer shows the processes of my webapp for node.js.