How to track progress of a file getting uploaded to NodeJs server .I am using multer in server side to upload files. ?
Do i need to send some kind of information to the client , So that client gets the upload progress OR this is done internally & client can track progress on its on.
Below is the code i am using to upload file :
var multer = require('multer');
app.use(multer({dest:'./tmp',limits: {fileSize: 4*1024*1024}}).single('upload'));'/upload',function(req,res){
Here's an answer by LinusU at the project github's page (he suggests using progress-stream):
Pipe req to that one and give it to multer.
var p = progress()
var upload = multer().single('file')
p.headers = req.headers
p.on('progress', _)
upload(p, res, _)